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Correction (Tense/Right Form of Verb): part 1

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:27 am
by romen
Correction (Tense/Right Form of Verb): part 1
1 . Incorrect: He always went there.
Correct: He always goes there.
Incorrect: He normally got up early in the morning.
Correct: He normally gets up early in the morning.
Note: সাধারণত Always, regularly, often, sometimes, generally, usually, daily, everyday, normally, occasionally প্রভৃতি যুক্ত sentence present simple tense-এ হয়।

2 . Incorrect: He just went there.
Correct: He has just gone there.
Incorrect: Did you see her lately?
Correct: Have you see her lately?
Note: just, just now, already, recently, lately, ever, yet প্রভৃতি যুক্ত sentence সাধারণত Present Perfect Tense – এ হয় এবং এই British English রীতিটিই আমাদের এখানে গ্রহণযোগ্য। যদিও আমেরিকানরা ঐসব word যুক্ত sentence কে Past Tense- এও ব্যবহার করে। ওপরের Incorrect sentence – গুলো সে অর্থে Incorrect নয় বরং Correct.

3 . Incorrect: He is working for five hours.
Correct: He has been working for five hours.
Incorrect: He is ill since Monday last.
Correct: He has been ill since Monday last.
Note: নির্দিষ্ট সময় বা অনির্দিষ্ট সময় ধরে চলেচে এ রকম বোঝাতে for বা since ব্যবহৃত হলে তার পূর্বের Verb- এর Present Perfect Continuous tense হয়।

4 . Incorrect: He goes there last night.
Correct: He went there last night.
Incorrect: I meet him the day before yesterday.
Correct: I met him the day before yesterday.
Note: Last, last day, last night, last year, yesterday, ago, long since প্রভৃতি Phrase অতীতকাল নির্দেশক বলে এগুলো sentence- এ থাকলে Verb – এর Past Tense হয়।

5 . Incorrect: Raju has been sleeping for 7 a.m.
Correct: Raju has been sleeping since 7 a.m.
Incorrect: Ripon has been writing since two hours.
Correct: Ripon has been writing for two hours.
Note: Present Perfect Continuous Tense- এ যদি কাজ শুরুর সময় নির্দিষ্ট করে উল্লেখ থাকে তাহলে Since এবং কাজের সময় ব্যাপক ও অনির্দিষ্টভাবে উল্লেখ থাকলে for বসে।

6 . Incorrect: Many years have passed sine I had seen you.
Correct: Many years have passed since I saw you.
Incorrect: It is many years since I have written to you.
Correct: It is many years since I wrote to you.
Incorrect: It was long since I saw you last.
Correct: It was long since I had seen you last.
Note: Since দ্বারা একাধিক clause যুক্ত হলে প্রথম clause Present Indefinite Tense বা Present Perfect Tense হলে পরের clause Past Indefinite Tense হয়। আর পূর্বের clause Past Indefinite Tense হলে পরের cluse Past Perfect Tense হয়।

7 . Incorrect: The patient died before the doctor had come.
Correct: The patient had died before the doctor came.
Incorrect: He had passed the examination after be worked hard.
Correct: He passed the examination after he had worked hard.
Note: Before conjunction হিসেবে দুটি Clause যুক্ত করলে পূর্বের Clause- টি Past Perfect Tense এবং পরের Cluse – টি Past Indefinite Tense হয়।

8 . Incorrect: He did not ate rice last night.
Correct: He did not eat rice last night.
Incorrect: He does not goes to school.
Correct: He does not go to school.
Note: Past Indefinite Tense-এ auxiliary হিসেবে did বসলে মূল verb Present form- এ হয় এবং Present Indefinite Tense- এ Sentence – এর শুধু Third Person Singular Number হলে মূল Verb এর সাথে ‘s’ বা ‘es’ যুক্ত হয়। তবে সাহায্যকারী Verb থাকলে ‘s’ বা ‘es’ তার সাথেই বসে । তখন মূল verb -এর সাথে ‘s’ বা ‘es’ যুক্ত হয় না।

9 . Incorrect: Why you do it?
Correct: Why do you do it?
Or, Why did you do it?
Or, Why will you do it?
Note: Interrogative sentence- এ Helping Verb কে subject- এর Number, Person ও Tense অনুযায়ী বসাতে হয়।