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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
Clause and Phrase
All stood up When the chief guest come. The underlined part is –Ans. Adverb clause .
Tell me what you know .The underlined part is—Ans. Noun clause.
Can you tell me where--? – Rahim works. –the cause of malaria is unknown. – Ans. Misunderstanding about.
Voice change
We elected him captain . –Ans . He was elected captain by us.
The lion attacked the zebra.—Ans. The zebra was attacked by the lion.
Everyone loves Zara.—Ans. Zara is loved by everyone.
The cat ate the fish. – Ans. The fish was eaten by the cat.
Rice Sells cheap.—Ans. Rice is sold cheap.
Please do the work – Ans. You are requested to do the work.
Children like sweets. ---Ans. Sweets are liked by children.
I know this place.—Ans. This place is know to me.
Your behavior astonishes me. –Ans. I am astonished at your behavior.
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