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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
General English
1. Write a paragraph on Judicial Leadership for Good Governance , Flood Problem, Street Accident, Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh , Effects of Social Networking Sites, Artificial Intelligence(AI).
2. Read the following extract, and answer the questions that follow:
All people dream, but not equally .Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find that it was vanity . But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people. For they dream their dreams with open eyes, and make them come true. (Dreams D.H. Lowrence)
a. What do people who dream by night dream about ?
b. Why are dreamers with open eyes considered dangerous?
c. What does recesses suggest?
3.Make meaningful sentences with the following words: Superfluous, Intrinsic, idiosyncratic, apprehensive.
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