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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1. He looked all around and disappeared .It is a ………… sentence. Ans – compound
2. Do whatever you like a ……… Ans.- Compound sentence
3. Come and go is a ………… Ans. Compound sentence
4. It is certain that he will come .(Simple) ……… Ans. Certainly he will come
5. He came after sunset .(Complex) ………. Ans. He came when the sun had set
6. I am sure that he will succeed (Simple) ….. Ans. I am sure of his success
7. I know the poor man .(Compound)……….. Ans. The man is poor and I know that
8. I must do it , (Negative) …….Ans. I cannot help doing it
9. WE lived together but there was no affection between us. (Simple)……….Ans. Despite living together there was no affection between us.
10. He worked hard and he provided for his family. (Complex)…..Ans. He worked hard so that he could provide for his family
11. Although she lost her father , she stayed strong for her younger siblings. (Compound)……Ans. She lost her father but she stayed strong for her younger siblings.
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