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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1. He is --- honest man. (Article)-an
2. Dhaka is –capital of Bangladesh . (Article)—the
3. Exercise is benefical – health. (Appropriate preposition) – to
4. Be was –dog . (Appropriate preposition) – of
5. Smoke is emitted – the chimney. (Appropriate preposition)—from
Voice change
6. Who was calling me?--- By whom was I being called?
7. She is writing a letter .—A letter is being written by her
8. I have killed the bird . – The bird has been killed by me
9. Do it . – Let it be done
10. He called it laurel.—It was called laurel by him.
Translate into Bangla
11. All’s well that ends well-সব ভালো তার শেষ ভালো যার।
12. Better late than never –কোনদিন না ফেরার চেয়ে দেরিতে ফেরা ভালো।
13. Jack of all trades , master of none –সকল বিষয়ে জ্ঞানী /জ্ঞান রাখে কিন্তু কোনো বিষয়ে দক্ষ নয়।
14. No news is good news – কোনো খবর না থাকাটাই সুখবর ।
15. Birds of the same feather flock together.-চোরে চোরে মাসতুতো ভাই।
Fill in the blanks with preposition:
16. Books are a great source—happiness.—of
17. My younger sister is good –Mathematics.—at
18. The dog is grateful—its owner. –to
19. He suddenly jumped – a bus.—off
20. I will have completed my assignment –Friday.—by
Trans into English
21. মশা স্থির জলে ডিম পাড়ে-Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water.
22. আয় বুঝে ব্যয় কর-Cut your cost according to your cloth .
23. ট্রেন আসার আগে আমরা স্টেশনে পৌঁছেছিলাম-We had reached the station before the train came.
24. সে খেলাধুলা ছাড়া কিছুই করত না- He did nothing but playing .
25. এখন সোয়া চারটা বাজে- Now, it is quarter past four.
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