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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
Choose the correct active/ passive voice from the following sentences :
1. The waiter filled the glasses with water .-ans. The glasses were filled with water by the waiter
2. It is impossible to do this .-ans. this is impossible to be done
3. We must take care of all living species on Earth. – ans. All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us >
Idioms and phrases
4. To catch a tarter –ans. To deal with a person who is more than ones match .
5. To drive home – ans. to emphasis
6. To be above board – be honest in any business deal
7. To cry wolf –ans. to give false alarm
8. To be above board – ans. to be honest in any business deal
Sentence Correction
9. You need not come unless you want to –ans. you don’t need to come unless you want to .
10. The man to who I sold my house was cheat –ans. to whom I sold
11. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident –ans. my behavior is speaking itself .
12. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.- ans. worse than I had expected.
Select the pair which has the same relationship
13. Indigent: Wealthy –ans. Gauche :Graceful
14. Distance :mile-ans. Liquid : Litre
15. Carpenter :hammer as painter.-ans. Brush
16. Optimist :hope as pessimist . –Fear.
17. Fish :gills as Bird: Wings
Fill in the blanks
18. Our armed forces are ---those of any other country in the world. –superior to
19. All the winners ------ prizes tomorrow. – will be given .
20. I always wear sunglasses when I go to --- beach, ---sun brothers my eyes. –the / the
21. ----west end is ---richest part of ---capital. The /the /the
22. Her explanation was so- that no one could follow it . – Stagnation
23. The synonym of Confusion is – Stagnation
24. The synonym of Avert is – Coldness.
25. The synonym of Confusion is - Prevent

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