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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1. Which one is correct ?- dialogue
2. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the – blue
3. It has been raining – Monday last. – since
4. Which is the noun of the word speak ?-speech
5. I want – early. – to leave
6. – you work hard, you ‘ll be fired . – Unless
7. You are -. – invited
8. Opposite word for delete is -- . Insert
9. – fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy .—Most
10. The prices for car can run –TK 400000 .—as high as
11. Scenery is a /an –Uncountable noun
12. Ornament is a /an –Uncountable noun
13. The people – very much conscious about the mater . –are
14. Some –are grazing in the field . –sheep
15. Twenty miles –not a long distance for bikers. – is
16. Physics, news are – Singular noun
17. –work needed to be done before sunset . –Much
18. –number of students didn’t attend . –A large
19. Do you carry – thing in your bag . –many
20. I didn’t earn a lot of money , only -. –a tittle
21. Love , Courage are example of – termini
22. Nuclei is plural form of – nucleus.
23. Feminine of proprietor – proprietrix
24. –does not has masculine form . –Brunette
25. For –did you go there?-whom.
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