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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1.To end in smoke means-ঘ) To come to nothing .
2.Identify the correct sentence -ক) the girl burst into tears.
3.What is bibliography-গ) Collection of books .
4.Fill in the blank with the right form of verb :When I …… dinner , I want to bed .
-খ) had bad.
5.They should have a talk with other . Here the underline word talk is a/an -গ) noun.
6.Neither of the books………….interesting -ঘ) was .
7.What is the synonym of apex-ক) Acme.
8.The incident happened before my …..eyes.- ঘ) very.
9.Beauty is truth, truth is beauty – is written by ?- গ) john Keats.
10. The students wear blue uniform . Here the word wear can be replaced by- খ) put on.
11.Misanthropist means -গ) One who hates mankind .
12.Which of the following words is not related to laughing-ক) screaming.
13.Fill in the blank with the correct phrase : The convict -arrested if he had tried to leave the country –গ) would have been.
14.The first speech of life is –গ) the maiden speech.

1.To end in smoke means-ঘ) To come to nothing
2.Identify the correct sentence -ক) the girl burst into tears
3.What is bibliography-গ) Collection of books
4.Fill in the blank with the right form of verb :When I …… dinner , I want to bed .
-খ) had bad
5.They should have a talk with other . Here the underline word talk is a/an -গ) noun
6.Neither of the books………….interesting -ঘ) was
7.What is the synonym of apex-ক) Acme
8.The incident happened before my …..eyes.- ঘ) very
9.Beauty is truth, truth is beauty – is written by ?- গ) john Keats
10. The students wear blue uniform . Here the word wear can be replaced by- খ) put on
11.Misanthropist means -গ) One who hates mankind
12.Which of the following words is not related to laughing-ক) screaming
13.Fill in the blank with the correct phrase : The convict -arrested if he had tried to leave the country –গ) would have been
14.The first speech of life is –গ) the maiden speech
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