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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1.The correct sentence of the following:
a. The Nile is longest river in Africa
b. Nile is longest river in the Africa
c. Nile is longest river in Africa
d. The Nile is the longest river in Africa
➫ d
2.নিম্নলিখিত কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh
b. The Dhaka is biggest city in Bangladesh
c. Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh
d. Dhaka is biggest city in the Bangladesh
➫ c
3.Choose the right use of the article in the following sentence:
a. An ant is the intelligent insect
b. The ant is an intelligent insect
c. The ant is the intelligent insect
d. The ant is a intelligent
➫ b
4.Put the correct article in the gap. The Meghna falls into —– Bay of Bengal.
ক. the
খ. a
গ. an
ঘ. no article
➫ a
5.I read —- Quran?
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. None of these
➫ c
6.Choose the correct sentence:
a. Airport is busy place
b. The Airport is a busy place
c. The Airport is busy place
d. Airport is a busy place
➫ b
7. —– earth moves round the sun.
a. A
b. an
c. The
d. None of these
➫ c
8. — Bangladesh are a brave nation.
a. A
b. An
c. The
d. No article
➫ c
9. Choose the correct sentence.
a. Omar Khayyam is rarely born
b. A Omar Khayyam is rarely born
c. An Omar Khayyam is rarely born
d. The Omar Khayyam is rarely born
➫ d
10. ‘Many —- man was presentere. ‘ বাক্যের শূন্যস্থানে বসবে –
a. an
b. the
c. a
d. one
➫ c
11. Coose the appropriate article: He is —- FRCS.
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. no article
➫ a
12. He is —- honors graduate.
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. no article
➫ a
13. I’ ll be with you in —-?
a. one quarter of an hour
b. a quarter of an hour
c. a quarter of one hour
d. a quarter of hour
➫ b
14. Select correct article: I am not —- know of the things.
a. a
b. an
c. one
d. the
➫ d
15. Which one is correct sentence?
a. Iqbal was the poet and philosopher.
b. Iqbal was a poet and philosopher.
c. Iqbal was both the poet and philosopher.
d. Iqbal was a poet and a philosopher.
➫ a
16. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. The poet and novelist are dead
b. The poet and the novelist is dead
c. The poet and novelist is dead
d. The poet, the novelist and play wright is dead
➫ c
17. কোনটি শুদ্ধ?
a. The sun
b. A sun
c. An sun
d. None of these
➫ a
18. Which one is correct?
a. It is quarter past ten
b. It is a quarter past ten
c. It is 15 plus ten
d. It is quarter minutes past ten
➫ a
19. I paid — one taka note for —- old paper.
a. no article, the
b. a, the
c. a, no article
d. None of these
➫ c
20. He was —- honorary Magistrate.
a. an
b. one
c. a
d. a
➫ a
21. Which of the following is the correct sentence?
a. I earned nearly a hundred dollars last week
b. I earned a nearly hundred dollars last week
c. I earned a hundred dollars nearly last week
d. None of these
➫ a
22. He left — heir.
a. the
b. an
c. one
d. No Articles
➫ b
23. He went to — and — .
a. the Canada, USA
b. Canada, the USA
c. the Canada, the USA
d. Canada, USA
e. None of these
➫ b
24. He is —- heir to his father’s property. Fill in the gap –
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article
➫ c
25. ‘This is —— easy takes’. বাক্যের শূন্যস্থানে বসবে
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. one
➫ b
26. Which sentence is correct?
a. This is an unique case
b. This is a unique case
c. This is a very unique case
d. This is the most unique case
➫ b
27. Ronald Regan was the president of—USA
ক. the
খ. a
গ. an
ঘ. No article
➫ ক
28. At last the best in him got —- upper hand.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. No Articles
➫ c
29. Which is correct?
a. Pious man is happy
b. Pious are happy
c. The pious are happy
d. None of these
➫ c
30. He will leave for —- U.S.A
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. none of these
➫ c
31. A and An are —?
a. definite articles
b. indefinite articles
c. both
d. None
➫ b
32. Find out the correct sentence:
a. Bangalees are a brave nation
b. The Bangalees are a brave nation
c. The Bangalee is a brave nation
d. The Bangaless are brave nation
➫ c
33. Industry is —- mother of goodluck. Fill in the gap with —
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. No article
➫ c
34. None but — brave deserves — fair.
a. a, the
b. the, the
c. the, no article
d. None of these
➫ b
35. সঠিক বাক্যটি নির্বাচন করুন?
a. A dog is faithful animal
b. The dog is a faithful animal
c. The dog is faithful animal
d. Dog is a faithful animal
➫ b
36. Dhaka is — biggest city in Bangladesh.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. to
➫ c
37. He is — MBBS. Choose the article –
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article
➫ b
38. Choose the correct sentences?
a. He speaks English like English
b. He speaks the English like English
c. He speaks English like the English
d. He speaks the English like the English
e. He speaks English like as English
➫ c
39. I saw —- one-eyed man begging for alms.
a. lonely
b. a
c. an
d. only
➫ b
40. Correct the sentence: Late Mr. C. R. Das was a barrister.
a. The Late Mr. C. R. Das was a barrister.
b. A Late Mr. C. R. Das was a barrister.
c. Late Mr. C. R. Das was a barrister.
d. None of these
➫ a
41. Which one is the correct sentence?
a. I read a quaran every morning
b. I read a Quaran every morning
c. I read the Quaran every morning
d. I read the quaran every morning
➫ c
42. He is —- home graduate.
a. an
b. a
c. the
d. no article
➫ b
43. Use the appropriate article – I saw __ one eyed man when I was walking on the road.
ক. a
খ. an
গ. the
ঘ. no article is needed
➫ a
44. Choose the right use of the article in the following sentence:
a. Alim received good educations in some private institutions
b. Alim received a good education in some private institutions
c. Alim received good education in a private institutions
d. Alim received a good education in the private institutions
➫ b
45. নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. Lion is beast of prey
b. A Lion is beast of prey
c. The lion is beast of prey
d. The lion is the beast of prey
➫ c
46. Which is — largest river in our country?
a. one
b. the
c. an
d. a
➫ b
47. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. I saw an one-eyed man
b. I saw a one-eyed man
c. I saw one-eyed man
d. None of these
➫ b
48. ‘The French‘ refers to —
a. the French people
b. the French language
c. the French manners
d. the French society
➫ a
49. নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
a. A lion is ferocious animal
b. The lion is ferocious animal
c. The lion is a ferocious animal
d. Lion is a ferocious animal
➫ c
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