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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
বক্তা যা বলে তাকেই Narration/Speech বলে ।
Narration দু’ প্রকার । যথা :
1. Direct Narration (প্রত্যক্ষ উক্তি) ও
2. Indirect Narration (পরোক্ষ উক্তি) বা Reported Speech.
1.Direct Narration: বক্তার বক্তব্যকে অবিকল তার ভাষার প্রকাশ করাকে Direct Narration বলে
। অন্য কথায়, Inverted comma-র মধ্যে ব্যবহৃত কথাই Direct Narration ।

He Said to me, “I am ill.” এ উদাহরণটির-
He-Reporting Verb- এর Subject বা Speaker (বক্তা)
Said-Reporting Verb- এর object/hearer (শ্রোতা)
‘I am ill’-Direct Narration.
যে Verb -দ্বারা কোন বক্তার কথা Report (উপস্থাপন) করা হয় তাকে (reporting verb)
বলা হয় । আর reporting verb direct speech - এর পরেও বসে । যেমন: “I am well”,said

*Direct Narration - এর বৈশিষ্ট্য (features):
(a)Direct Narration - টি Quotation Marks/Inverted Comma (“….”)-এর মধ্যে থাকে । অবশ্য
সংলাপে প্রায়াই Quotation Marks থাকে না ।

(b)Direct Narration - এর আগে কমা (,) বসে । তবে সংলাপে reporting verb ও comma-র
দরকার হয় না ।

(c)(Direct Narration)- এর ১ম অক্ষরটি Capital Letter হয় ।

2.Indirrect Narration: বক্তার বক্তব্যকে পরিবর্তন করে অন্য কোন বর্ণনাকারীর ভাষায় প্রকাশ করাকে Indirect Narration বলা হয় ।

He told me that he eas ill. এ উদাহরণটির-
He- Reporter(প্রতিবেদক)
Told- Reporting verb.
Me- Reporting Verb এ Object
That- Linker(সংযোজক)
He was ill -Reported speech.

***Narration পরিবর্তনের নিয়মাবলী
1.Personপরিবর্তনের নিয়ম:
(a) Direct Speech -এ 1st Person (I,my,we us,our)() থাকলে Indirect Narration-এ তা
reporting verb এর Sub.এর Number,Person,Gender অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয় ।

Direct: Rahim said, “I am ill”
Indirect: Rahim said he was ill.
Direct: Kalpana said, “I am ill”
Indirect: Kalpana said that she was ill.

N.B. :Direct speech-এ We দ্বারা মানব জাতি বুঝলে বা বক্তা ও শ্রোতার একজন 1st person হলে
We এর পরিবর্তন হয় না । আবার Indirect Narration- এ Editorial ‘We’- এর পরিবর্তে It বসে ।

Direct: She said to me, “We are not less guilty.”
Indirect: She told me that we were not less guilty.
Direct: The teacher said, “We are short-lived”
Indirect: The teacher said that we are short-lived.
Direct: The Janakantha says, “We have failed to attract their attention.”
Indirect: The Janakantha says that it has failed to attract their attention.

(b)Direct Speech-এ 2nd Person(you,your ইত্যাদি) থাকলে Indirect Speech- এ তা reporting
verb- এর Object এর Number, Person ও Gender অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয় ।

Direct: He said to her, “You have done your lessons.”
Indirect: He told her that she had done her lessons.

(c)Direct Speech-এ 3rd Person(he, she, they, his, them, their, it ইত্যাদি) থাকলে Indirect
Speech-এ তার পরিবর্তন হয় না ।

Direct: Karim said, “He is active.”
Indirect: Karim said that he was active.

2.Verb-এর Tense পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম :
(a) reporting verb-টি present বা future tense- থাকলে Indirect narration-এ Direct Speech-
এর Verb-এর Tense অপরিবর্তিত থাকে ।
Direct: He has said to me, “I shall go out but you will stay.”
Indirect: He has told me that he will go out but I shall stay.
Direct: You will say, “I am ill.”
Indirect: You will say that you are ill.
(b) Reporting Verb-টি Past Tense-এ থাকলে Indirect Narration -এ Direct Speech-এর Verb
অনুরূপ(Corresponding) Past Tense -এ পরিবর্তিত হবে । যেমন :

1.Present Indefinte-এর পরিবর্তে Past Indefinite হবে I
2.Present Continuous-এর পরিবর্তে Past Continuous হবে I
3. Present Perfect-এর পরিবর্তে Past Perfect হবে
4.Present Perfect Continuous-এর পরিবর্তে Past Perfect Continuous হবে I
5.Past Indefinite-এর পরিবর্তে Past Perfect হবে I
6.Past Continuous-এর পরিবর্তে Past Perfect Continuous হবে I
N.B. : Past Perfect ও Past Perfect Continuous Tense-এর পরিবর্তন হয় না I

Present indefinite tense
Direct: He said, “I am well.”
Indirect: He said that he was well.

Direct: He said, “I don’t believe you.”
Indirect: He said that he did not believe me.

Direct: I said to him, “I don’t believe you.”
Indirect: I said that I didn’t believe him.
Direct: The teacher said to me, “You are wrong.”
Indirect: The teacher told me that I was wrong.

Direct: Rafiq said to me, “You are a liar.”
Indirect: Rafiq called me a liar.

Direct: He said, “We are all sinners.”
Indirect: He said that all of them were sinners.

Direct: Soya said, “I walk a mile everyday.”
Indirect: Soya said that she walked a mile everyday.

Direct: He said, “The train reached at nine.”
Indirect: He said that the train had reached at nine.
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