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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ বিষয়ক আলোচনা
1) He is ___ himself with joy. (beside)
2) Pay me ___ instalments. (by)
3) That is not a secret matter ___ you and me. (between)
4) He is too intelligent ___ his age. (for)
5) I can not part ___ my house. (with)
6) You are not amenable ___ reason. (to)
7) He gave off ___ football when he got married. (playing)
8) The terms is consist ___ eleven players. (Of)
9) The government gave ___ the demand of the people. (into)
10) The second world war broke ___ in September,1939. (out)
11) The tree has been blow __ by the storm. (out)
12) He is not bed __ tennis. (at)
13) The minister arrived __ a decision last night. (at)
14) Please __ the necessity of arriving early. ( emphasise on)
15) He was accused __ killing a young man. (of)
16) He was addicted __ smoking. (to)
17) He was pleased __ the job. (with)
18) Don't jeer __ me. (at)
19) Please leave your key __ reception. (at)
20) Water is changed __ vapour. ( into)
21) Your conduct admits __ no excuse. (of)
22) I shall adhere __ my plan.(to)
23) You should not blush __ shame at your own. (with)
24) I concur __ you on your decesion. (with)
25) My uncle decided to take __ any my sister to the market. (me)
26) Anger may be compared __ fire. (to)
27) He was astonished __ my courage. (at)
28) You are not amenable __ reason. (to)
29) Slow and Steady __ the race. (wins)
30) He has no controls __ himself. (over)
31) He is callous __ his studies. (to)
32) I always confide __ you. (in)
33) You must adhere __ your principle.(to)
34) What is the time __ your watch. (by)
35) Now a days many villages are lit ___electricity. (with)
36) Students should attend __ their lesson. (to)
37) I approved __ his action. (of)
38) Come what may i shall adhere __ my principes.(to)
39) Socrates was accused __ misleading the young seetion. (in Athens)
40) The man __ overeating. (from)
41) Time and tide __ for none. (wait)
42) After it was repaired it __ again.(ran perfectly)
43) Industry is key __ success. (to)
44) He abides __ me.
45) I acceded __ his request. (to)
46) I can't put faith __ him. (in)
47) He is not__ home today. (at)
48) Karim as well as Nayeem __ parise. (desdrves)
49) He is absorbed __thought.(in)
50) The company reported a small decline __its profit.(in)
51) The gasped __the wonderful view. (at)
52) The police is looking__ the case.(into)
53) He is bevoid __ commonsense. (of)
54) Few pepole can count __ having a job for life. (on)
55) Youth is impatient __ restraint. (of)
56) I caught him__the ear. (by)
57) He was__honourary magistrate. (an)
58) At last the beast in him got__upper had.(the)
59) He left__heir.(an)
60) I prefer __coffee. (to)
61) Wich is__largest river in our country.(the)
62) I saw a __of cows in the field. (herd)
63) Most white people don't object___them by their first name. (to my calling)
64) He advised us to desist ___ that attempt.(from)
65) He wanted to___and___.(canada, the usa)
66) The school consists __five class rooms.(of)
67) A friend __ need is a friend indeed. (in)
68) Water eats __ iron.(away)
69) Alcohol tells___ your health.(upon)
70) I can't make __ what he says.(out)

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