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বাংলাদেশ বিষয়ক সাধারণ জ্ঞান
By fazlurrashid87
Q. Which country has received ‘International Peace Award’ as one of the founding members of D-8?
A. Bangladesh
Q. Where does Bangladesh get the duty-free market-access facility under preferential trade agreement (PTA)?
A. Bhutan.
Q. How many Bhutanese products has been offered tax waiver on import as PTA recently?
A. 16 products.
Q. Where is the first private space observatory center located in Bangladesh?
A. Sreepur of Gazipur.
Q. Who is appointed as ‘Bangabandhu Chair Professor’ of KUET on 10 August 2022?
A. Dr. Khurshida Begum.

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