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বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষার সহায়ক মডেল টেস্ট এবং সাজেশন
38. Which ultraviolet ray is the most harmful?
A. UV-A B. UV-B C. UV-C D. UV-D E.None
39. Which of the following helps production of hemoglobin?
A. Protein B. Fat C. Carbohydrate D. Starch E. None
40. Which product recently lost its Geographical Indication (FI) tag from Bangladesh to India?
A. Baluchari same B. Tangail saree C. Kolu saree D. jamdani saree E. None
41. French Revolution ended in the year-
A. 1767 B.1776 C.1789 D. 1799 E.None
42. Port of Valencia is in—
A. Spain B. Morocco C. Portugal D. Italy E. France
43. Which is a Valid Excel Function?
44. Recently ,Which country has proposed a three day weekend?
A. Canada B. Saudi Arabia C. Singapore D. Tunisia E. Cuba
45. Who has recently broken the record held by Michael Phelps in the 400m swimming competition ?
A. Leon Marchand B. Lawis Clamburt C. Alberto Razzetti D. Cedric Buessing E. Adam Peaty
46. Which country is severely affected by recent MPox outbreak?
A.Kenkya B. Senegal C. Djibuti D. Congo E. Etheopia
47. The spacecraft designed by Boeing is called –
A. Starliner B. Dream Chaser C. SpaceX D. Arene E. skylon
48. The designed capacity of the Wind Power Plant in Cox’s Bazar is-
A. 58 B.62 C.64 D.66 E. None
49.Whice of the following Indian province has no common boundary with Bangladesh?
A. Manipur B. Tripura C. Mizoram D. Meghalaya E. None
Ans.38.c 39.a 40.e 41.d 42.a 43.a and b 44.b 45.a 46.d 47.a 48.d 49.a
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