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বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষার সহায়ক মডেল টেস্ট এবং সাজেশন
Q24-28: Identify which underlined section is incorrect for each sentence: If there is no error, choose E.
24. As far as A . money is B. concerned I’d C. like to be D. rich .No error E.
25. The restaurant had A. burgers, sandwiches B., and pizzas , we ordered C. the former D. No error E.
26. None of us have A. enough money toundertake B. the project alone ,so we had C. to depend on D. our parents. No error E.
27.It was A. serendipity rather than B. genius that leads C. the archaeologist to his breathtaking discovery of D. the ancient civilization. NO error E.
28. The new guidelines mandate A. that students not only B. Submit C. their assignments on time, but also participate D. actively in class discussions, No error E.
29.Which of the following is the synonym of LUGUBRIOUS?
A. Treasure B. Sanguine C, Engorged D. Gloomy E. None
30. Which of the following is the synonym of QUESCENT?
A. Fastidious B. Inactive C. Complex D. Mournful E. None
31. Sumerian civilization is a part of –civilization.
A. Mesopotamian B. Mayan c. Hebrew D. Egyptian E.None
32.Which one is the biggest religious and social festival of the Chakmas?
A. Bijhu B. Sandisy C. Wangala D.Sangral E. None
33.Who is the painter of The Persistance of Memory?
A. Michelangelo B. Leonardo da Vinci C. Salvador Dali D. Monet E. None
34.Which of the following is not a contagious disease?
A. Smallpox B. Typhoid C. Tuberculosis D. Mumps E. None
35. The American state that is nearest to Russia is-
A. Washington B. Maine C. Alaska D. Bartrand Russel E.None
36.Who is not a recipient of Nobel prize in Literature?
A. Pablo Neruda B. Leo Tolstoy C. Bernard Shaw D. Bartrand Russel E. None
37. Humidity is measured by which of the following instrument
A. Barometer B. Sphygmomanometer C. Hygrometer D. Hydrometer E. None
Ans.24.e 25.d 26.a 27.c 28.e 29.d 30.b 31.a 32.a 33.c 34.b 35.c 36.b 37.c
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