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বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষার সহায়ক মডেল টেস্ট এবং সাজেশন
Q 16-23: Complete the following sentences: with the appropriate word.
16.The negotiation reached a(n)- When both parties refused to compromise on critical issues leaving the agreement in jeopardy.
A. impasse B. culmination C. denouement D. prelude
17.Despite the company’s rapid growth and market expansion, its profits have remained relatively stagnant, largely because of an inability to control costs, Which – rising steadily over the past three years.
A. has been B. is C. have been D. were E. had been
18. Although the scientist was initially – by the complexity of the data, he soon developed a theory that not only explained the results but also predicted future.
A. Bewildered B. intrigued C. mollified D. placated E. exonerated
19. The CEO’s –approach to leadership alienated many of his subordinates ,who felt stifled by his rigid policies and lack of empathy.
A. autocratic B. benevolent C. laissez-faire D. deferential E. pragmatic
20.The board of directors was unanimous in its decision, finding the plan both –and innovative.
A .imprudent B. provident C. capricious D. volatile E. perfunctory
21.In contrast to last year’s model , the new electric car features a more efficient battery and a streamlined design, allowing it travel farther on a single charge and –better in extreme weather conditions.
A. perform B. performs C. imminence D. performed E. None
22.Although simran was afraid of heights, she seemed to have no- about driving over bridges.
A. enormity B. qualms C. imminence D. resurrection E. None
23. Because of the –of reliable information, her report was comprised mostly of speculation.
A. dearth B. diatribe C. juxtaposition D. myriad E .None
Ans. 16.a 17.c 18.a 19.a 20.b 21.a 22.b 23.a
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